CES 2023: Sony unveils controller for disabled gamers
The Project Leonardo controller is announced five years after Microsoft released its accessible gamepad.
05/01/2023 BBC
Good things happen every month. Hence in the tradition of the year in review we like to remind you of three randomly selected news articles of each month.
The Project Leonardo controller is announced five years after Microsoft released its accessible gamepad.
05/01/2023 BBC
Last month, at a dining table in a sunny New York City hotel suite, I found myself thrown completely off guard by a strip of fake bacon. I was there to taste a new kind of plant-based meat, which, like most Americans, I’ve tried before but never…
23/02/2023 The Atlantic
Why bringing back elephants, sharks and other big beasts could be surprisingly useful in the race to bring down emissions
31/03/2023 Positive News
The world’s biggest harbour restoration project is focusing on an ancient, self-cloning species of seagrass.
24/04/2023 Sydney Morning Herald
“There’s no such thing as a good landlord” is a rallying cry of angry renters. In the future, it might be conventional morality that it’s simply wrong to own land. In our times, owning land seems as natural as owning cars or houses. And this makes…
04/05/2023 Wired
Early on a January morning, a dozen nuns hopped on a Zoom call and waited patiently for their turn to speak softly, sweetly to plants. One of the sisters sang a song; another played the flute; several recited poetry and prayers.
27/06/2023 The Guardian
Grid-scale battery system capable of storing vast amounts of energy when solar and wind production is low
11/07/2023 The Independent
South African data scientist Pelonomi Moiloa is the founder of one of the continent’s first companies that develop AI-based products
09/10/2023 El País
The world sees up to 100 million cases and 22,000 deaths due to dengue every year. Researchers may have found a way to cut those numbers significantly.
31/10/2023 Deutsche Welle
Within minutes of meeting the multiple award-winning British physicist and feminist role model, Dr Jess Wade, I learn two things about her. Number one: she walks and talks fast, as if she is running out of time. Number two: she is incredibly…
01/10/2023 The Guardian
Keeping control of our planet’s thermostat is proving tricky these days. Temperatures are rising slowly, and inaction is proving costly as we awkwardly lurch towards a cleaner future. Some industries are proving stubbornly difficult to decarbonise,…
06/11/2023 The Conversation
HIV, the virus that causes Aids, was first identified in 1983. To catch this virus was initially a death sentence, but today, thanks to antiretroviral drugs, it can be kept in check. However, there is still no cure.
08/11/2023 The Conversation
Vaccinations could be made less painful by treating skin with a vaccine-laden liquid and using ultrasound to push it into the body
04/12/2023 NewScientist
Developed by Finnish doctors in the 1980s, 'open dialogue' dramatically improves outcomes for those in crisis
11/12/2023 Positive News
Chicago’s 82-story Aqua Tower appears to flutter with the wind. Its unusual, undulating facade has made it one of the most unique features of Chicago’s skyline, distinct from the many right-angled glass towers that surround it.
27/12/2023 The Guardian