
Highlighted or identified as “good”

We asked, you answered: How do you stay cool without air conditioning?

How do you cool down without air conditioning? Our readers respond with clever hacks involving towels, ice packs — anc pickle.


Opinion: Think you have a rough travel story? Try 52 days stuck in space

Two astronauts have been hanging out on the International Space Station since last month, waiting for the Boeing capsule that got them there to be repaired to bring them home.


NASA still doesn't know when two astronauts will be able to come home

NASA still doesn’t know when a pair of astronauts could return to Earth in Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft, but officials say they’ve made progress in understanding the glitches that bedeviled the new vehicle’s first test flight with a crew on board.


Cardboard beds have returned to the Olympics. What do they do?

Cardboard beds are one of the Olympics' latest green innovations. But not all the athletes are fans.


California's newest state park is like a time machine

California's newest state park just opened this summer — and a visit is like stepping into a time machine as its creators reimagine what a state park can be.


New HIV preventive strategy sparks excitement -- and protests -- at AIDS conference

The final results of a trial for a new HIV preventive strategy are out today. Experts express enthusiasm. But activists at the 2024 AIDS conference in Munich are protesting the likely cost.


Torrid market for copycat weight loss drugs could be short-lived

Cheaper versions of Wegovy and Zepbound touted on social media could be fleeting. Copies are legal now because the brand-name drugs are in short supply. But the drugmakers are boosting production.


Scientists may have discovered 'dark oxygen' being created without photosynthesis

It has long been understood that photosynthesis creates oxygen, but researchers believe they've found oxygen being created in parts of the ocean with no light.


Tweens, screens and sleep: How parents can help kids get their zzzzz's

A large new study confirms what parents probably already suspect: Phones can keep tweens from getting a good night's sleep.


Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution

Most states submitted plans to reduce planet-warming pollution to unlock federal grant money, and they proposed projects to get started. This week, the Biden administration announced the winners.


Peekaboo: A baby tree kangaroo debuts at the Bronx Zoo

The second baby of a tree-dwelling kangaroo made its public debut this week in New York, poking its pink head head out of its mom's furry white pouch.


A study finds that dogs can smell your stress — and make decisions accordingly

Researchers made volunteers do public speaking and math on the spot, then showed them a calming video. Then, using sweat samples, glass jars and food bowls, they examined the emotional impact on dogs.


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