
Highlighted or identified as “good”

Watch a robot peel a squash with human-like dexterity

A robot that peels vegetables in the same way that people do demonstrates a level of dexterity that could help move delicate objects along a manufacturing line. Prototype robots are often tasked with peeling vegetables to test their ability to…


A type of brain cell helps explain the calming influence of mothers

Mouse pups have increased activity in certain neurons in the centre of their brains when they interact with their mothers, which is linked to them showing fewer signs of distress


We may finally know what caused the biggest cosmic explosion ever seen

The gamma ray burst known as GRB221009A is the biggest explosion astronomers have ever glimpsed and we might finally know what caused the blast


Why many studies wrongly claim it’s healthy to drink a little alcohol

It is becoming clear that any amount of alcohol is harmful, so why do so many studies claim that moderate drinking could help you live longer?


Early humans began wiping out elephant relatives 1.8 million years ago

Elephant-like species started going extinct faster when early humans evolved, and the rate of extinction rose even higher when modern humans appeared


We're ignoring easy ways to encourage children to be physically active

Events like the Olympics and Paralympics can be inspiring. But to get more kids moving, we need to address the "enjoyment gap" by shifting the emphasis from competitive sport to activity and play


Epic images show old mines transformed into a library, lab and museum

Amazing images of an open-air library, underground lab and design museum show the reincarnation of dead mines, captured in a new book, 102 Things to Do With a Hole in the Ground


How a spot of coral cosplay helped put marine pollution on the map

Feedback is amused that marine researchers worried about microplastics dressed up as coral polyps and a Greek sea goddess to visit a Comic-Con. Their awareness-raising went down a storm


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