
Highlighted or identified as “good”

The war on drugs has failed

<![CDATA[A public health approach, not prohibition, must be front and centre of the response to drugs – only then can we end Aids]]>


Endangered Scottish wildcats bred in captivity will take first steps into the wild to save species

Scottish wildcats bred in captivity are to be released into the wild for the first time in a bid to save the critically endangered species, it has been announced.


Mystery of ancient dots and stripes on Europe's caves is solved

For decades, researchers had suspected that the seemingly random dots and stripes on cave paintings across Europe contained a hidden meaning, yet they were unable to decipher them.


Pine martens return to south of England after being on the brink of extinction

Pine martens are making a comeback in the south of England after scientists found evidence they are breeding in the New Forest. The cat-sized predator is a relative of stoats and otters and was once widespread across Britain before hunting drove…


Haemophiliacs’ faulty gene could be cured with single injection

Haemophiliacs could receive a single injection to cure the faulty gene that causes the disease, a University College London (UCL) study suggests There are around 6,000 people in the UK with haemophilia, a genetic condition which disproportionately…


First ever human trial confirms magic mushrooms are safe to treat mental health patients

A psychedelic chemical found in magic mushrooms is safe to give to people in small doses, early research suggests.  The findings from King’s College London are based on a trial which gave 60 people psilocybin in either a 10 or 25 milligram dose.


Crispr mini: new genetic editing technology could cure hereditary diseases including Parkinsons

A genetic “Swiss army knife” has been created which could treat incurable hereditary diseases such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia and Parkinson’s. The technology is an improvement on the ground-breaking Crispr gene-editing procedure first…


Vegan 'spider silk' created by Cambridge scientists could replace single-use plastic

A novel material, dubbed 'vegan spider silk', has been created by researchers at the University of Cambridge and may be a long-term replacement for single-use plastic.


Tiny swallowable cameras will check for cancer in 'sci-fi' development

Swallowable cameras the size of capsules will be given to NHS patients in a “sci-fi” bid to check for cancer. Taking more than 57,000 pictures as they work through the digestive system, the disposable devices are intended to replace complicated and…


Crane population in the UK reaches highest level for 400 years, conservationists reveal 

The UK's population of cranes has reached its highest level for more than 400 years, conservationists have said.


Food can be eaten for up to six months after the best-before date, Which? finds 

Food can be eaten for up to six months after the best-before date and weeks beyond its use-by date, according to consumer watchdogs.


Medics celebrate success 'beyond our wildest dreams' on haemophilia 

British medics say they have achieved results “beyond our wildest dreams” in efforts to treat the most serious form of haemophilia.


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