
July 2023

From Flora to Bruno: the story of a child’s gender transition in Argentina

More than 1,500 minors have obtained new identity documents stating their self-perceived gender since the South American country allowed it by law in 2012

25/07/2023 El País

Spain’s latest weapon against wildfires? Wild horses

Horses are the latest line of defence against wildfires in Spain. The animals could bring many other benefits besides

25/07/2023 Positive News

Island as energy ecosystem: Mallorca leads the charge on green hydrogen

From Jules Verne to Christopher Skase, Rafael Nadal’s native Mallorca has long had a powerful pull on the rich and famous. Now its natural assets of sun and sea are fuelling power itself.

25/07/2023 Sydney Morning Herald

Canada's federal single-use plastics ban: What they got right and what they didn't

Canada is seen as leading the way in banning single-use plastics. But how comprehensive are these actions, and how realistic is the dream of a zero-waste future?

24/07/2023 The Conversation

Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy's sight. Similar treatments could help millions

Dr. Alfonso Sabater pulled up two photos of Antonio Vento Carvajal’s eyes. One showed cloudy scars covering both eyeballs. The other, taken after months of gene therapy given through eyedrops, revealed no scarring on either eye.

24/07/2023 The Independent

Data from thousands of GPS devices detects an earlier phase that heralds major earthquakes

Hours before the earthquake, there is a subtle but accelerated displacement of the fault where the tremor will originate

21/07/2023 El País

Solar panel tech breakthrough generates electricity from rain

Researchers have come up with a new way to generate electricity with solar panel technology by harvesting the energy produced by raindrops.

21/07/2023 The Independent

How classic psychology warped our view of human nature as cruel and selfish - but new research is more hopeful

There are a number of classic experiments and theories that every psychology student learns about, but more recent research has questioned their findings so that psychologists today are reevaluating human nature.

19/07/2023 The Conversation

The farm that grows fresh vegetables in the middle of the desert

A Jordanian farm shows it’s possible to grow vegetables in the unlikeliest places, using lo-fi tech that’s widely available

19/07/2023 Positive News

A Vast Untapped Green Energy Source Is Hiding Beneath Your Feet

New experiments in the deserts of Utah and Nevada show how advances in fracking—technology developed by the oil industry—can be repurposed to tap clean geothermal energy anywhere on Earth.

19/07/2023 Wired

Using green banks to solve America’s affordable housing crisis – and climate change at the same time

Massachusetts is establishing the first US green bank dedicated to sustainable affordable housing. Three experts in climate finance explain why better housing can help rein in global warming.

18/07/2023 The Conversation

‘Turning point in the fight against Alzheimer’s’ as drug found to slow disease

A new drug has been hailed as a “turning point in the fight against Alzheimer’s” after it was found to slow the progression of the disease.

17/07/2023 The Independent

Why climate despair is a luxury

When you take on hope, you take on its opposites and opponents: despair, defeatism, cynicism and pessimism. And, I would argue, optimism. What all these enemies of hope have in common is confidence about what is going to happen, a false certainty…

17/07/2023 New Statesman

Johnson and Johnson shares licence for tuberculosis drug after novelist’s viral campaign

Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson announced on Thursday that a Swiss nonprofit will distribute a lower-cost generic version of a popular tuberculosis drug in low- and middle-income countries.

15/07/2023 The Independent

CRISPR-edited trees reduce the energy and water required to make paper

Genetically editing poplar trees reduces the resources required to harvest their wood's cellulose, which makes up paper

13/07/2023 NewScientist

Cicadas could hold the secret to self-cleaning surfaces – new study

Nature is inspiring scientists all the time. Some ideas are still in research, like beaver-inspired super-warm wetsuits. But others are already part of human life, like velcro (based on burdock burrs) and the Japanese bullet train (modelled on…

12/07/2023 The Conversation

Pumping hot: inside Britain’s first heat pump village

How did residents of a small English village switch en masse to renewable energy? Well, it all began with a margherita pizza

12/07/2023 Positive News

To Ease Global Warming, the Whitest of Paints

Scientists at Purdue have created a white paint that, when applied, can reduce the surface temperature on a roof and cool the building beneath it.

12/07/2023 New York Times

Record-breaking sugar battery could supercharge transition to renewable energy

Grid-scale battery system capable of storing vast amounts of energy when solar and wind production is low

11/07/2023 The Independent

Mosquitoes made immune to malaria could help stamp out the disease

A gene-editing technique makes mosquitoes produce antibodies against the malaria parasite, which could mean cases in people are also slashed

10/07/2023 NewScientist

People with total colour blindness able to see red after gene therapy

Thanks to gene therapy, people who could previously only detect shades of grey can now distinguish red objects from a darker background

10/07/2023 NewScientist

A Tanzanian village saves reefs from blast fishing and global warming

Fishermen in the north of the country use concrete spheres to regenerate corals and protect the livelihoods of locals

09/07/2023 El País

Can High-Tech Buoys Ease California’s Water Crisis?

This article was originally published in Hakai Magazine. In May 2022, California officials unanimously rejected a plan to build a $1.4 billion desalination plant in Huntington Beach. The plant, the officials said, would produce costly water and…

08/07/2023 The Atlantic

Can Twitter Alternatives Escape the Enshittification Trap?

People have flocked to Bluesky and Threads. But the new platforms risk repeating a pattern that has caused social media giants to turn against their own users.

07/07/2023 Wired

‘Revolutionary’ solar power cell innovations break key energy threshold

Solar power cells have raced past the key milestone of 30% energy efficiency, after innovations by multiple research groups around the world.

06/07/2023 The Guardian

Bison Return to Native American Lands, Revitalizing Sacred Rituals

More than a century after a mass bison slaughter, the animals are restoring Great Plains ecosystems and reinvigorating Indigenous customs like the sun dance.

04/07/2023 New York Times

Open-Source Your Blender to Fight Electronic Waste

Berlin-based Open Funk is tackling throwaway culture with a blender that's as easy to fix as to replace.

04/07/2023 Wired

‘The result was amazing’: one man’s mission to reforest a barren Irish hillside

Eoghan Daltun stood on a slope and pointed to a distant vista of verdant fields, craggy hills and conifer trees across the Beara peninsula in west Cork. Sun glinted off the rocks and sheep grazed in meadows.

04/07/2023 The Guardian

New Zealand becomes first country to ban single-use produce bags at grocery stores

The nation has banned the bags that typically hold vegetables and fruit. Recyclable, biodegradable or plant-based plastic bag are also included in the ban.

03/07/2023 NPR

Meet the ‘headstrong historian’ bringing Africa’s past to life – for Africans

When Chao Tayiana was growing up in Ngong town, west of Nairobi, she heard many stories about the Tsavo man-eaters, a pair of lions that “terrorised” and killed African and Indian railway workers during the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway…

03/07/2023 The Guardian

Water cremation: Co-op Funeralcare to be first UK company to offer resomation

The process, used in the US and Canada, will be available later this year through Co-op Funeralcare.

02/07/2023 BBC