New Experiment Could Pave the Way for Practical, Affordable Nuclear Fusion
Many researchers consider nuclear fusion as inevitable, but will be simply be too expensive for some? A new experiment looks to make it more practical.
31/10/2020 Reset.org
Many researchers consider nuclear fusion as inevitable, but will be simply be too expensive for some? A new experiment looks to make it more practical.
31/10/2020 Reset.org
Developers across the world are for the first time testing the use of hydrogen to power ships as the maritime industry races to find technologies to cut emissions and confidence grows the fuel is safe to use commercially.
30/10/2020 Reuters
‘Huge shift away from established norms’ will support green recovery and net-zero ambitions, Scottish government says
29/10/2020 The Independent
In a citizens’ assembly, members of the public convene to look for solutions to the toughest political challenges, like climate change. Why would a citizens’ assembly succeed where politicians fail?
27/10/2020 The Correspondent
With a focus on oil spills, natural gas fracking and illegal fishing networks, SkyTruth’s work empowers NGOs and members of the public to become watchdogs with a bird’s eye view.
26/10/2020 Reset.org
Spotty of coat, tufty of ear, and teetering on the verge of extinction less than two decades ago, the Iberian lynx is continuing to claw its way back across Spain and Portugal.
25/10/2020 The Guardian
A new superwhite paint is so reflective that it can cool a surface to below the surrounding air temperature, even under sunlight. It could help reduce the use of energy-intensive air conditioning in hot countries
21/10/2020 NewScientist
For most of us, the colourful, otherworldly marinescapes of coral reefs are as remote as the alien landscapes of the moon.
18/10/2020 The Guardian
A women-run solar station near the front line in Abs is empowering its owners and improving life in their community.
18/10/2020 Al Jazeera
Nagging, giving unsolicited advice, and “ecopiety” are out. But there are better ways to get people to adopt green habits.
17/10/2020 Wired
Maps are not just informative, they are empowering. They can help provide a new perspective to age-old problems. But maps are not necessarily fixed – they often need renewing. As Albert Einstein said, “You can’t use old maps to explore a new…
17/10/2020 The Guardian
Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant. This was the first lesson from my village safari around Kirtlington in Oxfordshire, home to the UK’s longest volunteer-run hedgehog highway.
17/10/2020 The Guardian
A species of peculiar burrowing reptiles that evaded scientists for more than 220 million years has been found, fossilized, at last. A team of National Park Service interns are credited with its discovery.
16/10/2020 CNN
Co-housing is on the rise, as is solar power and geothermal heat. In one neighborhood, trash is collected via pneumatic tubes.
14/10/2020 New York Times
Chemists have successfully used microwaves to convert plastic bags, milk bottles and other supermarket packaging to a clean source of hydrogen
12/10/2020 NewScientist
Helena Norberg-Hodge has been arguing for localism since the 1970s, but the pandemic is making the Australian activist-scholar’s ideas more relevant than ever.
09/10/2020 New York Times
California’s privacy law says businesses must respect universal opt-outs. Now the technology finally exists to put that to the test.
07/10/2020 Wired
“This is absolutely massive for me,” Mustafa Hamed explains. The 21-year-old from Wigan first came to Britain from Iraq as a child more than 17 years ago in the wake of a bitter war steeped in oil.
06/10/2020 The Guardian
Cape Town's reservoirs have topped 100% for the first time in six years, a magnificent change in the "Mother City" compared to its dire situation just two years ago.
05/10/2020 CNN
Urban beekeeping has given some scientists pause. They wonder if these efforts are really helping to save the bees—especially native species.
02/10/2020 Wired
A Football for Girls initiative in remote areas of Rajasthan is helping them break caste barriers and social taboos.
02/10/2020 Al Jazeera
Growth may be central to mainstream economics but nature has paid the price through pollution, waste and climate change. Some economists say it's time for a completely different approach.
01/10/2020 Deutsche Welle
Heavy jet liners need vast amounts of fuel to take off and maintain flight, making them by far the least sustainable form of travel. A new Swedish startup believes that a future of completely electric flight could be on the horizon.
01/10/2020 Reset.org