
March 2022

Scientists sequence the complete human genome for the first time

In 2003, the Human Genome Project made history when it sequenced 92% of the human genome. But for nearly two decades since, scientists have struggled to decipher the remaining 8%. Now, a team of nearly 100 scientists from the Telomere-to-Telomere…

31/03/2022 CNN

Climate groups say a change in coding can reduce bitcoin energy consumption by 99%

Bitcoin mining already uses as much energy as Sweden, according to some reports, and its booming popularity is revitalizing failing fossil fuel enterprises in the US.

29/03/2022 The Guardian

Antibiotics breakthrough could save millions from drug-resistant superbugs

Millions of lives could be saved with a “game-changing” antibiotic that could treat otherwise drug-resistant superbugs following a breakthrough by UK scientists.

29/03/2022 The Independent

A Bold Idea to Stall the Climate Crisis—by Building Better Trees

Changing the genetic makeup of trees could supercharge their ability to suck up carbon dioxide. But are forests of frankentrees really a good idea?

28/03/2022 Wired

Could Dumping Corn Waste into the Deep Sea Solve our Carbon Woes?

We're already used to seeing bales of corn waste in our fields, but could they soon become a familiar sight on the ocean floor?


Here's how food waste can generate clean energy

Food waste is a growing problem in Canada and many other parts of the world — and it is only expected to get worse in the coming years. The world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, alongside global food demand.

27/03/2022 The Conversation

New data-sharing requirements from the National Institutes of Health are a big step toward more open science – and potentially higher-quality research

Starting in 2023, all research proposals funded by the NIH will need to include a data sharing and management plan. An expert on open science explains the requirements and how they might improve science.

24/03/2022 The Conversation

Robotised insects may search collapsed buildings for survivors

Why Go To all the trouble of designing and building a drone if nature has already done most of the job for you? That is the attitude taken by the small but determined band of researchers who are trying to robotise insects.

23/03/2022 Economist

‘Emotional moment’: locked-in’ patient communicates with family via implant

A completely locked-in patient is able to type out words and short sentences to his family, including what he would like to eat, after being implanted with a device that enables him to control a keyboard with his mind.

22/03/2022 The Guardian

World passes 1TW of solar installations – enough to power the whole of Europe

Major milestone comes with caveat that distribution and storage limitations mean it is still only a fraction of global energy supply

16/03/2022 The Independent

Seesaws are out, saws are in: the (welcome) rise of risky playgrounds

Tools, old cars and even prickly bushes are being introduced to playgrounds, amid research highlighting the benefits of risky play

16/03/2022 Positive News

How to store renewable energy

Renewable-energy storage can help humanity reduce its fossil fuel use and combat climate change. Here are some of the best and most promising methods for storing renewable energy.

15/03/2022 LiveScience

DeepMind’s New AI Helps Restore Damaged Ancient Texts

Many inscriptions are so decrepit that large chunks are illegible. The company’s Ithaca tool assists historians in filling in the blanks.

13/03/2022 Wired

Cool to be kind: being nice is good for us – so why don’t we all do it?

It was freezing cold the day Neil Laybourn saw a man in a T-shirt sitting on a high ledge on Waterloo Bridge and made a split-second decision that would change both their lives for ever.

13/03/2022 The Guardian

Bionic eyes: How tech is replacing lost vision

Like something from a science fiction movie, bionic eyes are artificial eyes which can enhance and even replace lost vision. The tech is still in its infancy, but the potential is huge.

10/03/2022 LiveScience

Chile couples' joy as first same-sex marriages held

Consuelo Morales Aros, 38, and her partner Pabla Heuser Amaya are overjoyed. The two women, who have been together for 16 years, were among the first to tie the knot in Chile on Thursday after a landmark law came into effect allowing same-sex…

10/03/2022 BBC

Shock-absorbing foam-like material may lead to lighter, stronger, safer helmets

Scientists have created a new shock-absorbing foam-like material that, they say, can help develop lighter, stronger and safer helmets.

09/03/2022 The Independent

In order to be saved from misinformation, we need to be exposed to it

Empowering current and future generations to detect and dismiss false and misleading information will be pivotal in developing a democracy resilient to the threat of online misinformation.

02/03/2022 The Conversation

Solar panel add-on pulls water from air without consuming electricity

The system uses day-night temperature differences to extract water from the air while slightly increasing electricity generation by cooling solar panels

01/03/2022 NewScientist