Renewable-energy storage can help humanity reduce its fossil fuel use and combat climate change. Here are some of the best and most promising methods for storing renewable energy.
Like something from a science fiction movie, bionic eyes are artificial eyes which can enhance and even replace lost vision. The tech is still in its infancy, but the potential is huge.
Scientists successfully converted donated lungs into "universal" transplant organs in a proof-of-concept experiment. That means, theoretically, the lungs could be transplanted into any recipient, regardless of their blood type, as long as the organs…
A woman's oozing wound failed to heal after nearly two years of antibiotic treatments intended to vanquish the bacterial infection. So her doctors unleashed viruses to slay the superbug.
Psilocybin, the hallucinogen found in "magic mushrooms," helped to relieve symptoms in people with hard-to-treat depression in the largest clinical trial of its kind to date, the trial's organizers announced Tuesday (Nov. 9). Earlier this year, a…
A medieval grave in Finland that was thought to hold the body of a female warrior or ruler has revealed a surprise — the person buried there may be non-binary.
About 70% of Earth's surface is covered in water, and researchers are trying to map every last inch of it.
Scientists have found a new way to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The new approach disarms their natural defense mechanism, making existing antibiotics more lethal.
The psychedelic drug MDMA, also called ecstasy or Molly, showed promise in a late-stage clinical trial for people with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), inching the drug closer to medical approval for the condition, The New York Times…
The two patients who received the treatment showed significant progress over just days.
Though people believe they respect a logical, fact-based opponent, they actually have greater esteem for arguments based on experience.
Can we harness natural and human-made carbon traps to help us slow climate change?