
March 2020

Coronavirus: The good that can come out of an upside-down world

There are reasons to believe the world may emerge from this upheaval enhanced, writes Matthew Syed.

30/03/2020 BBC

Vodka From Thin Air: An Unusual Climate Prize Hits a Coronavirus Snag

Inventors were about to test their ideas for making money by selling things made out of carbon dioxide, the main culprit in global warming. Then the pandemic struck.

30/03/2020 New York Times

Scientists find bug that feasts on toxic plastic

A bacterium that feeds on toxic plastic has been discovered by scientists. The bug not only breaks the plastic down but uses it as food to power the process.

27/03/2020 The Guardian

The ozone layer is healing and redirecting wind flows around the globe

The hole in the ozone layer is starting to recover thanks to regulations banning ozone-depleting substances, and this is now leading to changes in Earth’s atmosphere

25/03/2020 NewScientist

Why Don’t We Just Ban Targeted Advertising?

From protecting privacy to saving the free press, it may be the single best way to fix the internet.

22/03/2020 Wired

‘No-waste’ Japanese village is a peek into carbon-neutral future

The residents of a remote village on the Japanese island of Shikoku have spent almost two decades reusing, recycling and reducing, united behind a mission to end their dependence on incinerators and landfill as the world struggles to tackle the…

20/03/2020 The Guardian

Malawi: Turning urine into a source of wealth

A Malawian entrepreneur is harnessing the power of human urine as an organic fertilizer. His initiative has helped transform the lives of local farmers and is paving the way for more environmentally friendly agriculture.

17/03/2020 Deutsche Welle

Coronavirus kindness: The people offering help as the virus spreads

Alongside the stories of stockpiling and panic buying, people are also helping others.

16/03/2020 BBC

How Helsinki and Oslo cut pedestrian deaths to zero

They cut speed limits, changed street design, removed space for cars and generally made life harder for motorists. Now it appears the work is paying off.

16/03/2020 The Guardian

Forward-thinking Utrecht builds car-free district for 12,000 people

The “cyclist-first” city of Utrecht is constructing the Netherlands’ first high-density, car-free residential district for more than 12,000 people, making it one of the largest of its type in the world.

15/03/2020 The Guardian

Stopping the rot: the fight to save fresh food

Ten years ago, James Rogers was driving through some of the most productive farmland on the planet, thinking about food.

15/03/2020 The Guardian

C'est la vie: Paris shows the world how to live

The mayor of Paris is implementing a vision for the city that embodies the good life - and we should learn from her.

13/03/2020 Sydney Morning Herald

Alcoholics Anonymous vs. Other Approaches: The Evidence Is Now In

An updated review shows it performs better than other common treatments and is less expensive.

11/03/2020 New York Times

UK's lost sea meadows to be resurrected in climate fight

“We think this whole bay was once carpeted with seagrass,” says Evie Furness, waving across the sparkling, sunlit waters of Dale Bay in Pembrokeshire, Wales. The underwater meadow is long gone though, a victim of past pollution and shipping.

10/03/2020 The Guardian

The ‘London Patient,’ Cured of H.I.V., Reveals His Identity

Adam Castillejo endured a decade of grueling treatments and moments of despair to become only the second person to be cured of H.I.V. Now, he says, “I want to be an ambassador of hope.”

09/03/2020 New York Times

20 amazing women in science and math

Some were hailed in their lifetime, others died unrecognized, but all were amazing.

08/03/2020 LiveScience

State school hires ecotherapist to garden with pupils to tackle mental health issues

'Screens and gaming have massive impact on children's emotional wellbeing,' headteacher warns

08/03/2020 The Independent

A Deft Robotic Hand That’d Make Luke Skywalker Proud

Surgeons use muscle grafts to amplify nerve signals—allowing amputees to control a new prosthetic with incredible precision.

04/03/2020 Wired