
October 2023

Dengue rates plummeted in Colombia after lab-infected mosquito release

The world sees up to 100 million cases and 22,000 deaths due to dengue every year. Researchers may have found a way to cut those numbers significantly.

31/10/2023 Deutsche Welle

How to redesign social media algorithms to bridge divides

Algorithms have been blamed for dividing society. What if they could support social cohesion instead?

27/10/2023 The Conversation

Most data lives in the cloud. What if it lived under the sea?

Could the data centres that power the internet be moved to the bottom of the ocean? It’s not as crazy as it sounds

26/10/2023 The Conversation

Japan rewards diligent taxpayers with Kobe beef and other delicacies

Since 2008, Japan has had a tax called furusato nozei, which rewards people who pay it with a variety of luxury products.

26/10/2023 El País

Solar energy set to eclipse fossil fuels as world passes ‘tipping point’, study reveals

‘The recent progress of renewables means that fossil fuel-dominated projections are no longer realistic,’ says researcher

19/10/2023 The Independent

EU bans microplastics added to consumer products

The European Commission has adopted a series of broad measures to fight microplastics pollution. What do the new rules entail, when do they come into effect and what are the consequences for industry and consumers?

17/10/2023 Deutsche Welle

A Simple Solution for Keeping Microplastics Out of the Water Supply

This article was originally published by Hakai Magazine. Sponges. Is there anything they can’t do? For millennia, humans have used dried natural sponges to clean up, to paint, and as vessels for drinking; we’ve even used them as contraceptive…

09/10/2023 The Atlantic

The entrepreneur who wants to decolonize artificial intelligence in Africa

South African data scientist Pelonomi Moiloa is the founder of one of the continent’s first companies that develop AI-based products

09/10/2023 El País

Making cities 'spongy' could help fight flooding — by steering the water underground

Almost all of China's medium and large cities are susceptible to floods. Some experts are promoting a solution called sponge cities — urban landscapes that are softer and meant to absorb more water.

03/10/2023 NPR

Reasons to regain technological optimism

Artificial intelligence systems can free us from boring tasks and give us time to be more creative. But can we really trust technology?

02/10/2023 El País

Peak ScotRail fares scrapped for six months

Peak ScotRail fares are being scrapped from Monday in a six-month trial which aims to encourage people to travel by train instead of car. The Scottish Government-funded project will allow customers to travel all day on off-peak fares from October 2…

02/10/2023 The Independent

‘Why are they not on Wikipedia?’: Dr Jess Wade’s mission for recognition for unsung scientists

Within minutes of meeting the multiple award-winning British physicist and feminist role model, Dr Jess Wade, I learn two things about her. Number one: she walks and talks fast, as if she is running out of time. Number two: she is incredibly…

01/10/2023 The Guardian

Redonda: Tiny Caribbean island’s transformation to wildlife haven

The incredible eco-restoration of one tiny Caribbean island - transformed from desolate rock to verdant wildlife haven in just a few years - has captured the imagination of environmentalists worldwide.

01/10/2023 BBC