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Scientists find way to make gold from electronic waste

Scientists have developed a highly effective method to recover gold from electronic waste, an advance they say could yield $50 worth of gold for every dollar spent.

05/03/2024 The Independent

Catalan pharmacies hand out free reusable period products

The Catalonia region in Spain has begun providing free reusable menstrual cups, period underwear and cloth pads at pharmacies, in one of the first initiatives of its kind in the world.

04/03/2024 The Guardian

Getting off fossil fuels is hard, but this city is doing it — building by building

Ithaca, N.Y., wants to eliminate greenhouse gasses by 2030 — 20 years faster than the rest of the country. But even in this liberal city meeting climate targets is harder than expected.

04/03/2024 NPR

EU countries already hitting some of their sustainable energy targets for 2030

Several European countries hit some of their sustainable energy targets for 2030 a decade early, a study has found, but big gaps remain across the board.

28/02/2024 The Guardian

A variety of new batteries are coming to power EVs

The tall grey buildings covering an industrial complex at Nysa, in south-west Poland, look like a modern car factory has been teleported into the surrounding farmland. The plant, though, does not make cars, but it is a new and vital part of the…

28/02/2024 Economist

AI designs bespoke 3D-printed prosthetic eyes

Using an artificial intelligence model and 3D printer to create prosthetic eyes reduces the time required to make such implants, which could make them available to more people

27/02/2024 NewScientist

The Finnish miracle: how the country halved its suicide rate – and saved countless lives

“Now he’s died,” said his mother’s voice down the phone. Instantly, Jaakko Teittinen knew that what he had feared for years had happened: his older brother, Tuomas, had taken his own life. He was 33.

22/02/2024 The Guardian

Out of the rabbit hole: new research shows people can change their minds about conspiracy theories

A new study has found no evidence that people’s beliefs in conspiracy theories increase over time. They can even change their minds – just not that often.

18/02/2024 The Conversation

Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution

Japanese scientists have created one of the world’s most unusual spacecraft – a tiny satellite that is made of timber.

17/02/2024 The Guardian

The hottest trend in U.S. cities? Changing zoning rules to allow more housing

As Americans struggle to find affordable housing, cities are realizing their own rules have made it too hard and expensive to build the homes they need. Now, some cities are trying to change that.

17/02/2024 NPR

Ebola vaccine cuts death rates in half — even if it's given after infection

Ebola is one of the most feared infectious diseases, with more than half of those infected dying. A vaccine has now been shown to cut that mortality rate in half.

15/02/2024 NPR

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