
Highlighted or identified as “good”

Take a look behind the scenes at the world's largest fusion experiment

Photographer Enrico Sacchetti captures the power and potential of ITER, an international nuclear fusion experiment currently under construction in southern France


In the race to ramp up renewables, we can't ignore heat storage

Governments must step up if we are to make good on Thermal Energy Storage's promise as a cheap and easy way to help tackle wind and solar power's intermittency problem


Do academics really split hairs at work? They certainly do now!

Feedback is amazed that researchers have split a single hair from end to end. They think it will help predict who will get split ends from colouring hair and similar treatments


Hydrogel can preserve medications for weeks outside of a fridge

Mixing protein-based drugs with hydrogels can keep the atomic bonds in the medication safe from high temperatures or shaking


Tiny solar-powered drones could stay in the air forever

An aerial robot weighing 4 grams is powered by tiny solar panels that produce extremely high voltages – an approach that could enable drones to fly indefinitely


AI can identify a child's sex based on their brain activity

An AI can identify the sex of a 9 to 10-year-old child based on their brain scans, but may be less accurate when it comes to gauging their gender


Last common ancestor of all life emerged far earlier than thought

All life on Earth can trace its origin to LUCA, the last universal common ancestor – and now it seems this organism may have lived a few hundred million years after the planet formed


Laser helps turn an electron into a coil of mass and charge

Researchers have reshaped single electrons into spiralling matter waves with distinct handedness that could be used to study and control materials


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