
Highlighted or identified as “good”

Lab-cultured fish: the newest alt-protein making a splash

A way forward to eating fish without damaging the oceans


The waste-busters: six European companies on a mission to design out waste

Some ingenious ideas are vying for the Green Alley Award this year


The city where ‘the future has already arrived’

What will cities look like a decade from now? Utrecht offers clues as it takes green living to the next level


The Nordic way: why the alternative Finnish approach to psychosis is going global

Developed by Finnish doctors in the 1980s, 'open dialogue' dramatically improves outcomes for those in crisis


Welcome to the world’s first zero-waste island

A tiny Greek island has undergone a green revolution, becoming energy self-sufficient and permanently closing its landfill site


Spain’s latest weapon against wildfires? Wild horses

Horses are the latest line of defence against wildfires in Spain. The animals could bring many other benefits besides


The farm that grows fresh vegetables in the middle of the desert

A Jordanian farm shows it’s possible to grow vegetables in the unlikeliest places, using lo-fi tech that’s widely available


Pumping hot: inside Britain’s first heat pump village

How did residents of a small English village switch en masse to renewable energy? Well, it all began with a margherita pizza


10 things we learned making the new issue of Positive News magazine

T-shirts can start a revolution, there’s a trick for living an interesting life, and matrescence is a word everyone should learn, plus more


The dawn of the 1000km battery

China's 'condensed' battery breakthrough could power long-range electric cars and planes, and will be in mass production later this year


Positive tipping points could save the climate – this man is showing us how

Instead of focusing on what doom might lie ahead, scientists are identifying positive tipping points that could save us


Surfing has a dirty secret. These board riders are cleaning it up

Synonymous with a lifestyle that’s in tune with the environment, surfing is not as green as it appears. But solutions are on the horizon


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