
Highlighted or identified as “good”

As new tech threatens jobs, Silicon Valley promotes no-strings cash aid

Many tech entrepreneurs have long suggested that guaranteed income could cushion job losses from AI and automation. The latest and largest study of the idea was spearheaded by the man behind ChatGPT.


Chinese companies offer to 'resurrect' deceased loved ones with AI avatars

Startups are catering to mourners who want a way to communicate with their lost loved ones — or at least digital likeness of them.


6 design tricks to transform your home, according to a feng shui expert

Fall in love with your home again with these feng shui-inspired decorating tips from architect Cliff Tan. They focus on creating an environment that feels happy, harmonious and full of good energy.


A newly-discovered dinosaur may have spent part of its life underground

A new dinosaur has been discovered in Utah by North Carolina researchers and paleontologists. They believe it was a burrowing species.


Why we choke under pressure, according to a cognitive scientist

We all know the feeling of choking under pressure—but why does this happen? Cognitive scientist Sian Beilock shares the science behind why we mess up in high-stakes situations... and how to avoid it.


New parents, no time or energy for sex? Here's how to keep the romance alive

Between 3 a.m. feedings and hormonal changes, it can be hard for couples to get in the mood after baby arrives. But that doesn't mean you can't show love and desire in other creative, playful ways.


Days are getting slightly longer — and it's due to climate change

So much ice is melting at the Earth's poles that it's affecting the rotation of the planet, scientists say. Its spin is slowing down slightly, causing days to get longer.


The science section of the ACT exam will now be optional

Students can now opt between several versions of the test: the ACT core exam (which includes reading, math and English), the ACT plus writing, the ACT plus science or the ACT plus science and writing.


Rogue waves can strike without warning. These scientists found a way to predict them

Scientists have created a new tool that can give 5 minutes advance warning of a dangerous rogue wave in the ocean.


Crows can count out loud like human toddlers — when they aren't cheating the test

A study finds that carrion crows can be taught to count and make vocalizations that indicate the number counted, much in the same way that human toddlers do.


The next generation of firefighters learned how to fight fires while in prison

A nonprofit in California is aiming to remove roadblocks for previously incarcerated firefighters and expand the profession in the process.


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