
Highlighted or identified as “good”

Irish museum solves mystery of bronze age axe heads delivered in porridge box

When the national museum of Ireland received two 4,000-year-old axe heads, “thoughtfully” wrapped in foam inside a porridge box, from an anonymous source last month, it put out an appeal.


Offshore wind to power 20m homes within five years, Starmer to pledge

Keir Starmer will promise to build enough offshore wind over the next five years to power 20m homes, by using taxpayer money to develop parts of the seabed owned by the royal family.


Hens appear to blush when scared or excited, researchers find

Mark Twain wrote that “Man is the only animal that blushes – or needs to”. New research seems to have proved him wrong, however, with the discovery that hens have the capacity to blush and use other forms of facial expression.


Tree bark plays vital role in removing methane from atmosphere, study finds

Microbes in the bark of trees play a vital role in removing methane from the atmosphere, scientists have discovered. The greenhouse gas is a product of agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels and is 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide.


How a plant identification app helped me find happiness and satisfaction

Eighteen months ago, I adopted a dog. Now I’m out on the streets of Brooklyn with my hound mix for at least an hour a day, strolling and wrestling discarded chicken bones from her jaws.


Early mammal could help answer one of biology’s biggest question, say experts

The remains of a diminutive mouse-like creature that lived 166m years ago could help answer one of biology’s biggest questions of why mammals have become so successful, fossil experts say.


Australian scientists genetically engineer common fly species to eat more of humanity’s waste

A team of Australian scientists is genetically engineering a common fly species so that it can eat more of humanity’s organic waste while producing ingredients for making everything from lubricants and biofuels to high-grade animal feeds.


World’s oldest bus driver stays behind the wheel in part to donate to charity

The newly minted world’s oldest bus driver says he has been motivated to keep working past his 94th birthday partially because it allows him to donate to charity.


Australia’s environment could be fixed and threatened species saved for just 0.3% of GDP, experts say

Saving Australia’s threatened wildlife, repairing degraded land and restoring ailing river systems is possible and would cost just 0.3% of Australia’s GDP, according to a new blueprint produced by more than 60 experts.


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