
Highlighted or identified as “good”

New research reveals how ancient Egyptians built their first pyramid

Engineers look at structures associated with the pyramid Pharaoh Djoser built 4,700 years ago and realize: That's a hydraulic system


Early red dye made from insects used in pre-biblical Israel

Hundreds of fabric pieces found in Cave of Skulls by the Dead Sea date from Chalcolithic to Roman period – and some are startlingly scarlet


Cuttlefish are so smart they can form false memories, study suggests

The invertebrates are capable of episodic memory, such as where they found lovely shrimp for dinner. Research into how they do this reveals an unexpected truth


Could the earliest form of life unwittingly help save the planet and all other life forms?

Israeli company BlueGreen Water Technologies removes carbon from air while killing algal blooms. Third World countries can clean their water and make money from carbon credits to boot


Gatekeeper of the consciousness: Israeli study finds brain area regulating attention and wakefulness

The study found that an area of the brain called the claustrum regulates wakefulness, attention and behavior. Varying its activity levels in mice affected sleep, responsiveness, and impulsive behavior, potentially aiding treatments for disorders…


Archaeologists crack the mystery of the Neolithic decline

A population collapse in Sweden around the same time as the agricultural revolution suggested some sort of farming crisis. Genetic analysis finds another culprit


Dinner at the Denisovans: Blue sheep

Archaeologists find new fossil from Denisovans, an enigmatic and extinct species of human, in a Buddhist sanctuary in Tibet and also deduce what they ate


Would you eat a cookie with fake fat to save the planet?

Chances are you don’t know where your pie crust came from and don’t care, so would you switch to artificial oils to save the planet?


Un-draining the swamp: Rewilding project aims to resurrect Israeli wetlands

Wildcats, birds and frogs. Hyenas. Maybe (shh) even otters are staging a comeback as floundering fish farms are given back to nature


‘You’re either naive, stupid or a con man’: The firm using AI to optimize immunology

When Immunai, a machine learning firm creating a ‘GPS’ for drug development, was just getting started a leading professor though it was a joke – now he's their consultant


These gummy bears taste delicious. They are made from locust

Israeli company Hargol wants to convince Westerners of the benefits of eating locusts, including serving them as candy or chocolate-flavored protein shakes


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