
Highlighted or identified as “good”

Friday essay: some tech leaders think AI could outsmart us and wipe out humanity. I’m a professor of AI – and I’m not worried

In 1989, political scientist Francis Fukuyama predicted we were approaching the end of history. He meant that similar liberal democratic values were taking hold in societies around the world. How wrong could he have been? Democracy today is clearly…


Is AI making us stupider? Maybe, according to one of the world’s biggest AI companies

There is only so much thinking most of us can do in our heads. Try dividing 16,951 by 67 without reaching for a pen and paper. Or a calculator. Try doing the weekly shopping without a list on the back of last week’s receipt. Or on your phone.


Want to make sure you don’t swelter in your next home? Check these 12 features before you rent or buy

Before buying or renting your next home, take a closer look at how it will cope with the heat. Try this expert 12-point guide to avoiding ‘hot boxes’.


3 statistical stuff-ups that made everyday items look healthier (or riskier) than they really are

These three examples of statistical mistakes have had major consequences for our health and shopping habits.


Enzymes are the engines of life − machine learning tools could help scientists design new ones to tackle disease and climate change

Enzymes significantly speed up the chemical reactions that keep you alive. Researchers are using AI to create new ones to tackle modern challenges.


Valentine’s Day: why physical affection can boost your health

In the opening scene of Love, Actually, Hugh Grant’s character says how, whenever he gets gloomy with the state of the world, he thinks about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport. The reason is on screen: we see couples kissing, old friends…


The ‘romantic’ advertising tricks that give you unrealistic expectations of love

The run up to February 14 is a good time for selling certain products. And alongside the jewellery and flowers, advertisers also try to sell us something broader: a notion of what we should consider romantic.


Five ways humans have scuppered the love lives of animals

Frustrated with which dating app to use? Unable to find “the one”? Spare a thought for some of the animal kingdom, where humanity has hampered their efforts to find a mate. Humans have destroyed or polluted animal habitats.


The love we seek: How to build authentic and healthy relationships

Identifying the characteristics of a healthy relationship and being mindful of red flags are good ways to establish connections that contribute to our well-being.


What to do if your partner wants to speak to your baby in a language you don’t understand

Finding out you and your partner are expecting a baby throws many discussions that might have once been hypothetical into stark relief. This certainly may be the case if your partner speaks another language beyond the one spoken where you live and…


The heart is symbol of love – things weren’t always like that

Modern medicine has demystified much of the heart’s function. But its chequered past is fascinating.


How to cope with romantic rejection – a psychologist’s advice

Humans have complex psychological monitoring systems that track whether we are at risk of being pushed out of groups.


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