
Highlighted or identified as “good”

How Much Does Our Language Shape Our Thinking?

English continues to expand into diverse regions around the world. The question is whether humanity will be homogenized as a result.


Can Turning Office Towers Into Apartments Save Downtowns?

Nathan Berman has helped rescue Manhattan’s financial district from a “doom loop” by carving attractive living spaces from hulking buildings that once housed fields of cubicles.


Could Ultrasound Replace the Stethoscope?

Miniaturization, experimentation, and A.I. have unlocked revolutionary potential in an old technology.


Could Coal Waste Be Used to Make Sustainable Batteries?

Acid mine drainage has long been a scourge in Appalachia. Recent research suggests that we may be able to simultaneously clean up the pollution and extract the minerals and elements needed to power green technologies.


Coffeezilla, the YouTuber Exposing Crypto Scams

In the golden age of con artistry, self-proclaimed finance gurus are everywhere, with few checks on their claims.


The Promise of Carbon-Neutral Steel

A new manufacturing technique could drastically reduce the footprint of one of our dirtiest materials.


How Harvard’s Star Computer-Science Professor Built a Distance-Learning Empire

Eren Orbey on how Harvard’s David Malan has worked to perfect online teaching, and what lessons his introductory course, CS50, might hold for the future of higher education, both during and after the coronavirus pandemic.


New York’s Original Teen-Age Climate Striker Welcomes a Global Movement

Carolyn Kormann writes about Alexandria Villaseñor, a teen-ager in New York who has played a key role in organizing the global climate strike that took place this week in cities around the world.


Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns

Bill McKibben on what would happen if the banking, asset-management, and insurance industries decided to move away from fossil fuels, and on how the financial sector affects climate change.


What Happens When a Group of Strangers Spends a Day Debating Immigration?

Masha Gessen reports from a deliberative-polling event in Houston, during which hundreds of people from across the political spectrum debated issues surrounding immigration.


The Good News About a Green New Deal

Rapidly advancing technology and the falling costs of clean energy make the Green New Deal’s goal of transforming the U.S. economy to zero emissions by mid-century eminently achievable, John Cassidy writes.


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